Category Archives: Uncategorized

Maitake D fraction used in AIDS Treatment

Maitake should be recognized as a potential therapeutic adjunct for persons with HIV/AIDS. In a January 17, 1992 report on an in vitro study conducted for possible anti-HIV drugs, the National Cancer Institute noted that Maitake D-fraction was effective against HIV. The NCI results demonstrated that D-fraction can prevent HIV-infected helper T-cells from being destroyed […]

Lions Mane – Parkinson’s Disease

Columbia University has been engaged in a study to search for nerve growth synthesis-promoting agents in medicinal mushrooms since 1991. The research team discovered a class of chroman derivatives in the fruit body of Lion’s Mane mushroom called the hericenones C-H that stimulate nerve growth and subsequently reduce stress related issues. Extracts of Lion’s Mane […]

Cordyceps Mushroom – The Fight Against Cancer

A promising cancer drug, first discovered in a mushroom commonly used in Chinese medicine, could be made more effective thanks to researchers who have discovered how the drug works. The research is funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and was carried out at The University of Nottingham. In research to be published […]