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Agaricus Blazei Murill success against Cancer.

Agaricus originates from Piedade, which is located in the suburbs of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The climatic conditions in Piedade include temperatures that soar to 35-38 0C during the day and dip to between 20-25 C at night, with the humidity that averages 80%. The place also experiences regular squall toward evening. Agaricus Blazei Murill Mushroom […]


Mizuno, T., Hagiwara, T., Nakamura, T., Ito, H. Shimura, K. Suuuya, T., Asakura, A, 1990. Antituxnor activity and some prupcrties of water-insoluble hmtro-glyc.ns from “Himaiuatsutako,” the fruiting body of Agaricus blnzei Murill, Agricultural & Biological Chemistry 54. Tokyo. pp. 2897-2905. Ito, H., K. Shimura, H. Itoh, M. Kawade, 1997. “Autitumor effects of a new polysacobaride-pratem […]

Lions Mane and Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.

Anti-Dementia Compounds from Lion’s Mane Mushroom The focus of research on medicinal mushrooms until now has been primarily on their anti-cancer and immune-enhancing properties. However, attention has shifted by researchers in Japan and China to the potential anti-dementia properties contained in a mushroom called Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus). A study was done in a rehabilitative […]

Reishi mushroom and Candida

Reishi Mushroom Extract and other Medicinal Mushrooms can Benefit Candida Sufferers! Reishi Mushrom Extract is a Beneficial Candida Treatment! There seems to be a constant babble about whether people with candida overgrowth should avoid mushrooms for the sake of their health. Most people, including “experts” will tell you not to consume mushrooms of any kind. […]